FREE HOLIDAY CONCERT: Detroit Handbell Ensemble. Sunday, December 15 @ 4 p.m., Dearborn First UMC.
CONNECT Ministries
Make a Joyful Noise - Sing with DFUMC Chancel Choir! Experience fun and fellowship while sharing the joy of music in worship on a regular basis.
Connect with God through study as Pastor Suzy presents a 4-week Advent sermon chat series. Mondays starting December 2, 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. The format is flexible, so come to one or all of them as your schedule allows! Questions:
Knit/crochet Prayer Shawls that will be dedicated in a Worship Service and gifted to members, family and friends, who will benefit from the warmth and prayers of a Prayer Shawl.
Providing children’s ministry programming throughout the year with emphasis on connecting, caring, and serving our congregation and community both locally and globally.