The United Methodist Church calls its members to give through prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
(If you give automatically through Vanco each month, you can also update your regular giving amount by clicking the button above)
3 Easy Ways to Give Any Time:
Give now with just a couple clicks through our secure donations page - choose “general operating” HERE
Text your donation dollar amount to
Checks payable to: “Dearborn First UMC”
Please write "offering" in the memo line
and mail to 22124 Garrison, Dearborn MI 48124
Pass the Torch and Bless the World
Our focus on giving in 2025 explores our role as torchbearers in the Kin-dom of God.
This congregation has operated for 200+ years, thanks to the foresight, faith, service, sacrifice, and gifts of those who came before us. They have gifted us with a rich legacy of ministry and outreach that we are called to build upon and pass to the next generation.
Now it is our turn to take up the torch. What kind of torch will we pass to the next generation? Consider your gifts and how they will help Dearborn First UMC bless the world for years to come.

Dearborn First UMC celebrates 210+ years of growing mission and ministry and looks forward to many more!
As Christians, we are called to give as God has given to us. We share our gifts of love, time, talent, service, and money - all of which support the mission and ministries driving our vision to be a welcoming, inclusive, socially-engaged faith community striving to transform the world.