Serve groups help us share God’s love and justice.
Through service, we live out God’s call
to Love our Neighbors as ourselves - feeding the hungry, supporting families, and advocating for equity and justice for all people.
Come serve the world and make a difference!

Toy Library volunteers accept donations at a toy drive.

Serve with Us!
6 - 7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PACK LUNCHES FOR BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK! Tuesday, February 11 @ 6:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church, 120 N. Military St. Dearborn First UMC is once again committing to monthly packing sessions to help fight hunger in Dearborn.
Food Distribution takes place the third Saturday of every month. Show up at Good Shepherd UMC from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. to serve, or to be served. Learn more on our food ministry web page.
6 - 7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PACK LUNCHES FOR BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK! Tuesday, April 8 @ 6:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church. Dearborn First UMC is once again committing to monthly packing sessions to help fight hunger in Dearborn.
Weekly volunteer opportunities at Cass Community Social Services to sort donations for the Thrift Store. Car pool available.
Be a part of the Response Ministry, a hospitality and justice effort responding to needs of people in the community, particularly new immigrants, navigating the road to self-sufficiency as they build a new life.
Join members of Dearborn First UMC in supporting the Dearborn Community Food Pantry, a collaborative partnership between Good Shepherd UMC and Dearborn First UMC.
Immigration Law & Justice - Michigan (ILJMi), formerly Justice For Our Neighbors - Michigan, welcomes and supports low-income immigrants with free immigration legal services and public advocacy
Join members of Dearborn First UMC in supporting the Dearborn chapter of Blessings in a Backpack by helping to pack bags of food to be distributed in Dearborn elementary schools.
As a reconciling congregation, Dearborn First United Methodist Church celebrates that all persons are created in God’s image and worthy of receiving God’s unconditional love and grace.
Providing children’s ministry programming throughout the year with emphasis on connecting, caring, and serving our congregation and community both locally and globally.
A Dearborn First UMC Hospitality Ministry welcoming and supporting those served by the Cass Community Social Services Rotating Shelter Program.
Reconciling Justice Ministries encourages and promotes diversity, inclusion and acceptance of all peoples.