- Justice
- Hospitality
- Cass Community Social Services
- Paper Shredding
- Reconciling Ministries Network
- Volunteer
- Mobility
- Immigration Law & Justice
- food pantry
- Immigration legal services
- Weddings
- Sunday School
- inclusion
- Hunger
- DFUMC Music
- Music Ministry
- Book Club
- Small Groups
- food distribution
- Thrift Store
- Reconciling and Justice
- YX
- Study
- Fellowship
- race
- Service
- Youth
- Makerspace
- Food Security
- hunger
- Children and Families
- missions
- Crafts
- Library
- Chancel Choir
- Backpacks
- Prayer
Reconciling Ministries Network
As a reconciling congregation, Dearborn First United Methodist Church celebrates that all persons are created in God’s image and worthy of receiving God’s unconditional love and grace.
Reconciling Justice Ministries
Reconciling Justice Ministries encourages and promotes diversity, inclusion and acceptance of all peoples.