Gear up for FREE Family-Friendly
Easter Fun at Trunk or Tr’EASTER!
Saturday, March 30th • 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Dearborn First United Methodist Church Parking Lot
22124 Garrison St. (between Mason & Howard Streets)

Trunks + Treats!
Fun for kids and adults alike, as kids walk from decorated car trunk to car trunk, getting treats from friendly faces.
Family Fun!
Dance to the beat of the music as you make your way around the Trunk or Tr’EASTER trail! Chalk drawing, photos, and story time!
All are Welcome!
Spread the word - Bring a friend! We can’t wait to spend the afternoon with you!

Car Trunk Volunteers needed!
QUESTIONS? Contact Tracy Lahay: children@dearbornfirstumc.org

Treat Donations Needed!
Both Edible or Non-Edible Treats
(All treats must be individually wrapped)
DROP OFF: They can be dropped in the Welcome Center at the Church on Sunday Mornings during worship.
If you need to make special arrangements or have questions contact Tracy Lahay: children@dearbornfirstumc.org
Other Opportunities to get involved